Scully has a revealing conversation with Mulder, but it is just a little too late.
A waitress's thoughts on Mulder and Scully...
Scully reflects over some points in her life after a devastating incident.
Mulder and Scully finally talk about the events pertaining to their endeavors with tanker trucks, bees, cornfields, and the Antarctic.
Mulder painfully remembers Scully's death.
Mulder and Scully's faith in life, their work, and each other is tested.
Scully had finally had enough and decided to do something about it.
Mulder and Scully contemplate life while on playground swings.
Never has saying "I love you" been so hard...
Mulder brings Scully a hear-warming Mother's Day, though his words are better than any gift could possibly be.
I'm not really sure how to summarize this one...
Scully has some news for Mulder, which will drastically change their lives.
Who knows. When someone comes up with a good summary, let me know. All I can say is that this is not a happy story.
A mysterious woman shows up, only it is too late for Mulder to appreciate her.
Mulder and Scully bond after a walk in the rain.
Scully reflects over the night's events.
On a hotel balcony under the stars, Mulder shares a bit of his past with Scully.
Mulder and Scully have to deal with the end of Scully's cancer remission.
Scully finally gets fed up with Mulder and the outcome is disastrous.
Scully realizes that she is no longer sure who she is, or who she even wants to be.
As always, any comments, corrections, feedback of any kind will be accepted and worshipped. Send them on over to