TITLE: Life, Death, and Park Swings
AUTHOR: Gabi Fisher
SPOILER WARNING: Anasazi trilogy I guess...
SUMMARY: Mulder and Scully contemplate life while on playground swings.
DISCLAIMER: No silly, of course they aren't mine. Yet... For now, they still belong to CC,
FOX, 1013, and probably a million other people.
AUTHOR'S NOTE: Thanks a million to Annmaree.
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Quietly, the metal above creaked. The steady, even rhythm was surprisingly calming. Except
for the swing, not a thing in sight was moving, not even the trees were being gently
stirred by a late evening wind. For the person sitting on the swing, it was the perfect
setting; there was no one around to bother her, so she was free to be alone with her
In the background, sirens wailed, children yelled to each other, parents called for their
children to return home since it was already dark, cars screeched, horns honked, a couple
argued loudly, but the woman on the swing heard none of this. Subconsciously swinging
herself, she was lost in memories, experiences, and shared times.
She jumped when she felt a hand on her shoulder. When she realized who it belonged to,
however, she relaxed back onto the swing. Mulder! You scared me! she
Im sorry, Scully. I had called your name several times, but you didnt
seem to notice, he replied.
What are you doing here? she asked.
I went to talk to you, but you werent at your apartment, so I decided to take
a walk and saw you sitting here.
Whats up? Arent you cold? he asked her, looking concerned.
No, not really. If you sit out here long enough, you get used to it, Scully
barely finished saying when she involuntarily shivered. She let out a half-hearted laugh,
and Mulder took off his jacket and placed it around her shoulders. She smiled up at him in
thanks. Have a seat, she said, indicating the empty swing next to her.
Thanks, he said, and soon their swings were swaying in tandem. For several
minutes they swung in silence. Finally, Mulder broke the silence. What are you doing
out here so late?
Thinking, Scully simply said.
About? Mulder gently prodded.
Everything. And nothing. I dont really know, she replied. Then,
Mulder, what is the purpose in living? All that happens is that we pointlessly die.
Killers never receive due punishment, those dying noble deaths never get recognition,
those who have just begun to live dont even get a chance. Why do we live only to
Mulder knew that she must be going somewhere with her sudden questions, but he could only
guess at the ending point. He knew that if he gave her time, she would end up telling him,
just by following her own path, however twisted it might be. In response to her question,
he said, We live for the happiness found only in life, however fleeting. We are here
to bring happiness and joy into others lives. Its not always good, but
its all weve got.
Scully turned Mulders words over in her mind. She nodded, knowing that he was right.
Then why does everyone I love have to die too soon? Scully asked, tears
beginning to fall down her cheeks.
I dont know, Mulder replied, truthfully. I guess it was just their
time to go. Just think about the good things they left behind.
But what about all they good they could still be doing? How different would our
lives be if they hadnt died? I mean, how could life be *bad* if our sisters
hadnt died?
Well, I wouldnt have had the chance to meet you if Samantha had not
disappeared. Our lives most likely wouldnt be *bad* if they had lived, but they
would have been good in a different way. We would have chosen different paths to take,
different bridges to cross, ending up at different places than we would now. We will carry
on our memories and experiences with them forever, even if we never see them again.
I guess you are right, Scully said slowly. She offered him a smile, it was a
half-hearted attempt, but the best she could do. Thanks, Mulder.
Youre welcome, Mulder replied.
Do you mind if I can just stay here by myself for a while?
Sure, no problem. Take all the time you need. You know where to reach me if you need
anything. Ill see you at work tomorrow, Mulder said, standing up. He stopped
long enough to giver Scullys shoulder a reassuring squeeze before leaving to walk
back to his car.
Scully turned and watched him walk away. She pulled his jacket tighter around her small
figure, breathing in his rich aroma from the collar of the coat. She felt much better than
before she had spoken to Mulder. He had always had that ability. He could always make her
feel better, no matter what.
For a few more minutes Scully sat in silent contemplation. Finally, she looked heavenward
and said, Happy birthday, Missy. I hope that where ever you are, youre happy.
Ill love you forever.
Without a backward glance, Scully stood up and walked home, warmed by Mulders jacket
and thoughts of her sister.
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