TITLE: Crave
AUTHOR: Gabi Fisher
SPOILERS: Nope, none.
DISCLAIMER: Does this still have to be here if I didn't use names?
I sit alone, hiding.
Hiding from the evils of world.
Protecting what little is left
Of my shattered spirit.
It’s quiet here.
The air lacks
Angry words, harsh and stinging,
Thrown cruelly at me.
They are blissfully absent,
Here in my world.
It’s dark here.
I crave light.
The light you used to shine.
I thrived on that light,
Glowing because of it.
Now, I flourish in the shadows
Of my broken soul.
I’m alone here, in peace.
It’s lonely in this place.
You were my first, best friend.
With you, I spread my wings,
And learned to live.
They now lay, crushed,
Haphazardly strewn
With my memories.
I once was strong,
But alone, I’m now weak.
You took my strength
When you left.
You somehow stole
My life as you left me.
And so I sit, alone.
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